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Regular Mirror:

Notice in the GIF below that the alignment of the single line text does not automatically adjust after mirroring. I wrote a simple LISP routine that utilizes the mirror command and also changes the justification of any text entities selected.

Text Mirror: Image

Text Mirror:

Note how the text is now properly justified after being mirrored.

Text Mirror: Image

The code is simple, and at my employment it probably saves anywhere from a few seconds to half a minute depending on the number of text items being mirrored.

Text Mirror: Text


Here is the LSP code for anyone who might need it.


  • Selection Set

  • Single point (this command automatically mirrors across a vertical axis)


  • Nil

Text Mirror: Files

;;;                        FUNCTION:TMirror           
;;;                   Written by: Irving N. 12/19          
;;; ----------------------------------------------------- 
;;; This function will mirror items horizontally
;;;      and switch the horzontal justifications
;;;      of any TEXT objects.                   
;;; ------------------------------------------------------

(prompt "\nType TMirror to run.")

(defun C:TMirror ()

(defun *error* ()
       (if os
     (setvar 'osmode os)

(setq ss_all (ssadd))
(prompt "Select objects:")
(while (< (sslength ss_all) 1)
    (setq ss_all (ssget))
      (if (< (sslength ss_all) 1)
              (prompt "No items selected. Please try again.")

;Assoc List to convert current justification DXF codes to mirrored codes
(setq    init_lst (list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14)
    just_str_lst (list "L" "C" "R" "ALIGNED" "M" "FIT" "TL" "TC" "TR" "ML" "MC" "MR" "BL" "BC" "BR")
    exclude_just_lst (list "C" "ALIGNED" "M" "FIT" "TC" "MC" "BC")
    assoc_lst (list 2 1 0 3 4 5 8 7 6 11 10 9 14 13 12)
      just_assoc_lst (mapcar '(lambda (x y) (cons x y)) init_lst assoc_lst)
    just_assoc_str_lst (mapcar '(lambda (x y) (cons x y)) init_lst just_str_lst)
    fin_mirr_ss (ssadd)
    curr_just_cons_lst nil
    new_just_cons_lst nil

(while (ssname ss_all 0)
      (setq     curr_ent (ssname ss_all 0)
              curr_ent_get (entget curr_ent)
        curr_ent_type (cdr (assoc 0 curr_ent_get))
        curr_vl (vlax-ename->vla-object curr_ent)
        (= curr_ent_type "TEXT")
            (setq curr_just (vla-get-alignment curr_vl)
                  new_just_num (cdr (assoc curr_just just_assoc_lst))
                  new_just_str (cdr (assoc new_just_num just_assoc_str_lst))
                  ss_temp (ssadd)
                  curr_just_cons_lst (cons new_just_str curr_just_cons_lst)
                  (not (member new_just_str exclude_just_lst))
                      (ssadd    curr_ent ss_temp)
                    (command "._justifytext" ss_temp "" new_just_str)
                    (setq new_just_cons_lst (cons new_just_str new_just_cons_lst)
                          reset_original_ent_just_lst (cons (list curr_ent (cdr (assoc curr_just just_assoc_str_lst))) reset_original_ent_just_lst)
                      (setq new_just_cons_lst (cons new_just_str new_just_cons_lst))
      (ssadd curr_ent fin_mirr_ss)
      (ssdel curr_ent ss_all)

(setq     single_mirr_pt (getpoint "Select location of vertical mirror line:")
    second_auto_mirr_pt (list (car single_mirr_pt) (+ (cadr single_mirr_pt) 1) 0.0)
(initget "Yes No")

(if (setq ans (getkword "Erase source objects? [Yes/No] <Yes>:"))
      (setq ans "Yes")
(setq os (getvar 'osmode))
(setvar 'osmode 0)
(if (= ans "Yes")
    (command "._mirror" fin_mirr_ss "" single_mirr_pt second_auto_mirr_pt "_Y");
          (command "._mirror" fin_mirr_ss "" single_mirr_pt second_auto_mirr_pt "_N");
          (foreach txt reset_original_ent_just_lst
              (setq reset_ss (ssadd))
              (ssadd (car txt) reset_ss)
              (command "._justifytext" reset_ss "" (cadr txt))

(setvar 'osmode os)


Text Mirror: Files
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