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Website update in progress. 4/19/22
ESP32 Testing
Testing ESP32 for ease-of-use.
Result: it was easy!
Result: it was easy!
The $10 Oscilloscope
$10 Oscilloscope using a Raspberry Pi Pico
Credit: Scoppy
Credit: Scoppy
Raspberry Pi Feasibility
Raspbian/Debian provides easy VN; Convenient for use as a remote central node with nRF24-paired microcontrollers
Absolute Encoder
No skipped or missed steps. These require more torque than their equally-priced incremental encoder counterparts
Calibration Device Prototype
[Project Page in Progress]
Integrating the absolute encoder with a track provides a reliable way to feed position data; paired with voltage data + linear regression to calibrate the output of an infrared sensor
Integrating the absolute encoder with a track provides a reliable way to feed position data; paired with voltage data + linear regression to calibrate the output of an infrared sensor
Spare Wood? Extra tinkering bench.
Model: C0-12DD2E-D by CLICK
Incredibly affordable PLCs
Project Plans and updates in progress!
Incredibly affordable PLCs
Project Plans and updates in progress!
Accidentally ordered 1-W resistors instead of 1/4-W
Pictured: Calibration routine circuit.
Large resistors turned out to be perfect for breadboarding (provided a big enough breadboard). They're much easier to handle.
Large resistors turned out to be perfect for breadboarding (provided a big enough breadboard). They're much easier to handle.
Saturday Spent Soldering
Relational Database Mapping
Product-Option Compatibility Editor
[Project Page in Progress]
One of the steps of creating table-driven-logic
Last updated 4/20/22
One of the steps of creating table-driven-logic
Last updated 4/20/22
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